It has undoubtedly been a rough couple of years for young Australians in particular, but the bounce back is now clear.
The Australian National University’s research in April 2022 in mental health and wellbeing during the covid-19 period shows that “two in three (67.4%) of young Australians have said that their life had improved in the last 12 months”. According to the study, there has also been a 5% decline in psychological distress amongst young Australians aged between 18 and 24.

More and more youth are beginning to find satisfaction in their lives through social activities and reconnecting with their immediate communities.
ICMG Youth Australia branches within Victoria and New South Wales are witnessing spikes in community program attendances by young people each week. Weekly youth programs aimed at education, brotherhood, sports and recreation are the biggest hits amongst youth. Most branches drawing over 50+ young people each week, showing positive signs in reviving a healthy young generation.

As young people are stepping back into social bubbles, they are also willing to step out of their comfort zones to volunteer within community works. “Providing a platform for youth to express themselves and engage within the community has become a blessing for them [the youth]” said Talha Bozkurt, president of ICMG Youth Australia.

Hilmi Ergunen, a renowned young athlete in Victoria, said that “[The] best motivation is not to rely on motivation”, drawing in the importance of seeking alternative avenues to battle pessimistic outlooks amongst young people, especially after some rough years of demotivation.
The youth nowadays are becoming forward thinkers and are becoming progressive by nature to adapt to the rapidly changing environments.