{"id":994,"date":"2022-12-17T16:17:06","date_gmt":"2022-12-17T05:17:06","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.icmg.org.au\/?p=994"},"modified":"2022-12-17T16:17:09","modified_gmt":"2022-12-17T05:17:09","slug":"16-12-2022-friday-khutba-cuma-hutbesi","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.icmg.org.au\/16-12-2022-friday-khutba-cuma-hutbesi\/","title":{"rendered":"16.12.2022 – Friday Khutba \/ Cuma Hutbesi"},"content":{"rendered":"\n
Dear Brothers and Sisters!<\/strong><\/p>\n\n\n\n One of the biggest worships of Islam is prayer. The five daily prayers are like columns that hold a building. Performing the prayer in congregation is a part of performing the prayer. The Quran mentions: \u201cBe watchful over the Prayers, and over praying with the utmost excellence, and stand before Allah as would utterly obedient servants.\u201d[1]<\/a> <\/strong>In performing the prayer correctly and in congregation, there is a sense of unity and togetherness and the formation of the essence of community. It is stated in the hadith that the prayer performed in congregation causes a greater reward than the prayer performed alone: \u201cPraying in congregation is twenty-seven degrees better than praying alone.\u201d<\/strong>[2]<\/a><\/p>\n\n\n\n Dear Brothers and Sisters!<\/strong><\/p>\n\n\n\n In addition to performing the prayer in congregation, it is also important to perform it in rows. For this reason, the Messenger of Allah (saw) paid great attention to the order of the rows and would not start the prayer without putting the rows in order. Rasulullah (saw) said, \u201cLet your wise and mature pray immediately behind me, then those who trail behind them, and then those who trail behind them.\u201d <\/strong>After mentioning this three times he warned us by saying \u201cAvoid the hustle and bustle of the market places.\u201d[3]<\/a><\/strong>. While forming the rows by paying attention to these warnings, it has been sunnah to rank the congregation gradually, starting with the wise ones, then the boys, older women and girls. Our Prophet (saw) often warned the Companions about the order of the row and said: \u201cWhy do you not stand in rows as the angels do before their Rubb?\u201d<\/strong> The Sahaba asked, \u201cO Messenger of Allah! how do the angels stand in rows before their Rubb?\u201d<\/strong> Rasulullah (saw) then replied \u201cThey complete each row beginning with the first and filling all the gaps.\u201d[4]<\/a> <\/strong>In another hadith he stated: \u201cSurely I see the devil coming among you like a black sheep through the gap in the line.<\/strong><\/p>\n\n\n\n Dear Jama\u2019ah!<\/strong><\/p>\n\n\n\n All this shows that the rows of salah must be in order. As a matter of fact, the Prophet (saw) said, \u201cIf the rows are not straightened in the prayer, Allah will cause dissension amongst the worshippers, thus making them turn their faces away from each other.\u201d<\/strong> Failure to comply with the prayer row conditions causes many spiritual diseases. Praying by paying attention to the rows puts the congregation in the position of angels. Knowing this, the Messenger of Allah (saw) aligns the rows from right to left, pushing or pulling those who are forward or outward from their chests; He would fill in the gaps so that there would be no gaps in between and then start the prayer. The Companions created such rows that their clothes were always torn from their shoulders. Today, we witness that this sensitivity is about to disappear in congregational prayers in our mosques. Although it is an excuse for the community to stay away from the conditions of rows during salah due to the pandemic for more than two years, those mandatory conditions have now ended. From now on, a congregation should be formed in accordance with the row conditions determined in the sunnah and all kinds of unconcerned behaviour should be avoided. Adults, then young people and then children, no space should be left in such a way that the shoulders touch and squeeze each other, and there should not be a line in the back line while there is space in the front line.<\/p>\n\n\n\n [1]<\/a> Surah En\u2019am 6:72<\/p>\n\n\n\n [2]<\/a> Buh\u00e2r\u00ee, Ezan, 30<\/p>\n\n\n\n [3]<\/a> M\u00fcslim, Sal\u00e2t, 122<\/p>\n\n\n\n [4]<\/a> M\u00fcslim, Sal\u00e2t, 119<\/p>\n\n\n\n Muhterem M\u00fcsl\u00fcmanlar!<\/strong><\/p>\n\n\n\n \u0130slam\u2019\u0131n en b\u00fcy\u00fck ibadetlerinin ba\u015f\u0131nda namaz ibadeti vard\u0131r. \u0130man esaslar\u0131n\u0131n hemen akabinde be\u015f vakit namaz\u0131n k\u0131l\u0131nmas\u0131 \u0130slam binas\u0131n\u0131n ayakta tutulmas\u0131d\u0131r. Namaz\u0131n cemaatle k\u0131l\u0131nmas\u0131 ise namaz\u0131n ikame edilmesinin bir par\u00e7as\u0131d\u0131r. Kur\u2019\u00e2n-\u0131 Ker\u00eem\u2019de \u015f\u00f6yle buyurulmu\u015ftur: \u201c\u2018Namaz\u0131 dosdo\u011fru k\u0131l\u0131n ve Allah\u2019tan korkun.\u2019 diye de (emrolundu). O, huzuruna var\u0131p toplanaca\u011f\u0131n\u0131z Allah\u2019t\u0131r.\u201d[1]<\/a> <\/strong><\/p>\n\n\n\n Namaz\u0131n do\u011fru ve cemaatle k\u0131l\u0131nmas\u0131nda birlik ve beraberlik \u015fuuru ve cemaat ruhunun olu\u015fmas\u0131 s\u00f6z konusudur. Cemaatle k\u0131l\u0131nan namaz\u0131n tek ba\u015f\u0131na k\u0131l\u0131nan namazdan daha b\u00fcy\u00fck m\u00fck\u00e2fata sebep oldu\u011fu had\u00ees-i \u015ferifte \u015f\u00f6ylece beyan edilmi\u015ftir: \u201cCemaat namaz\u0131, ki\u015finin yaln\u0131z ba\u015f\u0131na k\u0131ld\u0131\u011f\u0131 namazdan yirmi yedi derece (bir rivayette yirmi be\u015f derece) daha \u00fcst\u00fcnd\u00fcr.\u201d<\/strong>[2]<\/a><\/p>\n\n\n\n Muhterem Karde\u015flerim!<\/strong><\/p>\n\n\n\n Namaz\u0131n cemaatle k\u0131l\u0131nmas\u0131n\u0131n yan\u0131nda, saf d\u00fczeninde eda edilmesi de m\u00fchimdir. Bu nedenledir ki, Allah Resul\u00fc (s.a.v.) saf d\u00fczenine son derece dikkat eder, saflar\u0131 d\u00fczg\u00fcn h\u00e2le koymadan namaza ba\u015flamazd\u0131. Res\u00fblullah (s.a.v.) \u201cBenim hemen arkamda akl\u0131 yetenleriniz dursun, daha sonra da s\u0131ras\u0131yla derece itibar\u0131yla onlar\u0131 takip edenler dursun.\u201d <\/strong>buyurmu\u015f, bunu \u00fc\u00e7 defa tekrarlad\u0131ktan sonra da \u201cPazar yerlerindeki gibi ke\u015fmeke\u015flikten sak\u0131n\u0131n.\u201d[3]<\/a><\/strong> uyar\u0131s\u0131nda bulunmu\u015ftur. Bu uyar\u0131lara dikkat edilerek saflar olu\u015fturulurken cemaatin akl\u0131 yetenlerden ba\u015flayarak derece derece erkek \u00e7ocuklar, b\u00fcy\u00fck kad\u0131nlar ve k\u0131z \u00e7ocuklar\u0131 \u015feklinde s\u0131raya konmas\u0131 s\u00fcnnet olmu\u015ftur.<\/p>\n\n\n\n Peygamber Efendimiz (s.a.v.) s\u0131k s\u0131k sahabeyi saf d\u00fczeni hakk\u0131nda uyarm\u0131\u015f ve \u015f\u00f6yle buyurmu\u015ftur: \u201cSiz, meleklerin Rableri kat\u0131nda saf saf durduklar\u0131 gibi saf ba\u011flay\u0131p dursan\u0131z ya!\u201d<\/strong> Sahabe, \u201cY\u00e2 Res\u00fblallah! Melekler Rableri kat\u0131nda nas\u0131l saf olurlar?\u201d<\/strong> diye sordu\u011funda Efendimiz (a.s.) \u201c\u0130lk saflar\u0131 tamamlarlar ve safla kenetlenirler.\u201d[4]<\/a> <\/strong>buyurdu. Bir ba\u015fka had\u00ees-i \u015ferifte ise \u015f\u00f6yle buyurulmu\u015ftur: \u201c\u015e\u00fcphesiz ben, saftaki aral\u0131ktan \u015feytan\u0131n sanki kara koyun gibi aran\u0131za sokulmakta oldu\u011funu g\u00f6r\u00fcyorum.\u201d<\/strong><\/p>\n\n\n\n Aziz Karde\u015flerim!<\/strong><\/p>\n\n\n\n B\u00fct\u00fcn bunlar g\u00f6steriyor ki, namazlar\u0131n saf d\u00fczeni tertipli olmal\u0131d\u0131r. Nitekim Efendimiz (a.s.)\u00a0\u201cYa saflar\u0131n\u0131z\u0131 d\u00fczeltirsiniz yahut Allah y\u00fczlerinizi ba\u015fka ba\u015fka taraflara \u00e7evirir.\u201d<\/strong>\u00a0\u00a0 demi\u015ftir. Saf d\u00fczenine riayet etmemek bir\u00e7ok manevi hastal\u0131klara sebep olur. Saf d\u00fczenine dikkat ederek namaz k\u0131lmak ise cemaati melekler pozisyonuna getirir. Bunu bilen Allah Resul\u00fc (s.a.v.) saflar\u0131 sa\u011fdan soldan hizaya getirir, g\u00f6\u011f\u00fcsleri ileride veya d\u0131\u015far\u0131da kalm\u0131\u015f olanlar\u0131 ya g\u00f6\u011fs\u00fcnden iter ya da \u00f6ne \u00e7eker; arada bo\u015fluk kalmamas\u0131 i\u00e7in bo\u015fluklar\u0131 doldurur ve ondan sonra namaz\u0131 ba\u015flat\u0131rd\u0131. Sahabe \u00f6yle bir saf d\u00fczeni olu\u015ftururdu ki, elbiseleri hep omuzlar\u0131ndan y\u0131rt\u0131l\u0131rd\u0131. Bug\u00fcn camilerimizde cemaatle k\u0131l\u0131nan namazlarda bu hassasiyetin kaybolmaya y\u00fcz tuttu\u011funa \u015fahit oluyoruz. Her ne kadar iki seneyi a\u015fk\u0131n bir s\u00fcredir pandemi nedeniyle cemaatin saf d\u00fczeninden uzak kalmas\u0131 bir mazeret olu\u015ftursa da o zorunlu \u015fartlar sona ermi\u015f bulunmaktad\u0131r. Art\u0131k s\u00fcnnette belirlenen saf d\u00fczenine uygun cemaat olu\u015fturulmal\u0131 ve her t\u00fcrl\u00fc lakayt davran\u0131\u015ftan uzak durulmal\u0131d\u0131r. \u00d6nde eri\u015fkinler, sonra gen\u00e7ler ve \u00e7ocuklar safa durmal\u0131, omuzlar birbirine de\u011fecek ve s\u0131k\u0131\u015ft\u0131racak \u015fekilde bo\u015fluk b\u0131rak\u0131lmamal\u0131 ve \u00f6n safta bo\u015fluk varken arka safta saf olu\u015fturulmamal\u0131d\u0131r.<\/p>\n\n\n\n [1]<\/a> En\u2019am suresi, 6:72<\/p>\n\n\n\n [2]<\/a> Buh\u00e2r\u00ee, Ezan, 30<\/p>\n\n\n\n [3]<\/a> M\u00fcslim, Sal\u00e2t, 122<\/p>\n\n\n\n [4]<\/a> M\u00fcslim, Sal\u00e2t, 119<\/p>\n","protected":false},"excerpt":{"rendered":" 16.12.2022 \u2013 Friday Khutba \/ Cuma Hutbesi English Topic: Rows During Prayer Dear Brothers and Sisters! One of the biggest worships of Islam is prayer. The five daily prayers are … Read more<\/a><\/p>\n","protected":false},"author":3,"featured_media":890,"comment_status":"open","ping_status":"open","sticky":false,"template":"","format":"standard","meta":{"footnotes":""},"categories":[32],"tags":[],"yoast_head":"\n
Konu: Namazda Saf D\u00fczeni<\/h4>\n\n\n\n