ICMG Youth Australia has pulled off yet another mass community event. The surrounding communities were finally able to regather after almost two years of eagerly waiting for a social event after the easement of restrictions.
With a new title this year, ‘1. Aile Soleni’ (First Family Festival), ICMG Youth Australia aimed to host an event for all ages. From families with young kids to the elderly, people of all ages were thrilled to soak up the atmosphere of being able to come together again and witness some great talents that were on display.
Guests witnessed a heart-warming nasheed from the little ones prepared by ICMG Kids Club, and an audience inclusive and uplifting performance by ICMG Husn-i Seda nasheed group.
ICMG Youth Guildford’s theatrical plays were sure to fill the auditorium with laughter and left the elders of the community reminiscing on what they faced when they first came to ‘the land Down Under’. Mucahid Kul, one of ICMG Youth’s valued members, said “[the performance] was one of the best”.
The jam-packed event was concluded with an outstanding performance by the Australian Ottoman Mehter Band as the thunderous drumbeats and vocals filled the air. A performance that left even the children watching in complete amazement.
ICMG Youth Australia aims to make this an annual event.